I see this same question repeated over and over again on other message boards. They are told to send validation letters but not what to do in the varying circumstances that can arise as a result of having sent their validation letter.
That is just one of the great many advantages that creditwrench students have over those who just surf over the multitude of other message boards out there.
Creditwrench students instantly know that in the simple act of sending you that letter they violated
several sections of FDCPA. And my students know exactly what to do about it and if by some odd chance they don't they know for sure that all they have to do is send me an email or call me up on the phone to find out what they need to know and how to handle the situation.
I'm not going to become your online teacher because if I do that then it will soon become common knowledge to the collection agencies and their attorneys who will then go over their letters and strategies with a fine tooth comb trying to be sure that they don't fall into those mistakes.
Creditors, Collection agencies, attorneys and their employees spend a great deal of time surfing these message boards looking for just such information so they know how to keep from making mistakes and knowing by the letters they get which debtors they need to be especially careful of so as to avoid getting sued.
Many message boards take great glee in finding new ways to trap debt collectors and then posting their findings on their message boards for free and
bashing those such as myself who refuse to post their information for free. I get an awful lot of flack over that and am considered by many as a fraud for charging people for my information. They claim they give it away for free but never have all of the answers. They leave people wondering what to do next just as you are doing and the reason that happens is because they simply do not have all the answers by any stretch of the information.
Sorry about that, but if you need real workable answers about how to deal with your problems you will either have to spend several years surfing the boards, testing out their ideas to see if they work or not and figuring out the same answers I have or you will have to become one of my students and let me teach you what you need to know to deal with your problems realistically.
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