Monday, October 16, 2006
  Creditwrench-thetruth now reduced to spamming.




Bil-LIARS - Who they are and what they do

  • PCMHOLDINGS and it's E. Normis Criminal


    Normie the criminal and The wrench is smacking him down good! PCMHOLDINGS.COM is where debt collectors gather to flame each other and bash consumers. Sunday, September 17, 2006 PCMHOLDINGS defines the word "OXYMORON" E. Normis Expert Member Joined: October 12 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Offline Posts: 1527 Posted: September 17 2006 at 10:08am | IP Logged Creditwrench-thetruth's credibility. Dog, I think you identified the world's #1 oxymoron. __________________ See the promotional movie World's #1 Blog about Creditwrench-thetruth oxymoron dog creditwrench-thetruth , it just keeps going and going and going

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  • Derek threatens to murder Creditwrench CEO Bill Bauer to protect industry image


    Derek Expert Member Joined: October 12 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Offline Posts: 965 Posted: September 12 2006 at 11:03pm | IP Logged From Credit Wrench on Derek just said, "you gotta do what you gotta do" didn't he? He said he was going to "pay me a little visit" here in Oklahoma City on the board. Normie, you yourself have publicly accused him of attempting to kill your mother many times on Is he actually capable of committing murder? Well, we don't know that for sure, now do we?....well, for starters, I'm not foolish enough to get my hands dirty - forensics and DNA are tough to beat in court. And if someone simply becomes a statistic on a missing persons chart and a body is not found and there is no evidence of foul play, then there isn't much of a problem in fending off an investigation or defending against a murder charge. By-the-way, Bil-LIE, you DO have life insurance, don't you? __________________ The real question is whether you are capable of murder? ..I think you are. very well might kill...Yeah, Derek, I think you are capable of murder. - Billie Bauer, CreditWrench CEO, 09/12/06 -- Posted by PCMHOLDINGS.COM to PCMHOLDINGS.COM at 9/13/2006 03:26:00 AM Murder threats
  • PCMHOLDINGS question of the day - Does that include murder?


    Originally posted on this forum Hey, Wrench, I have a Submitted by Derek on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 6:43pm. *new Hey, Wrench, I have a surprise for you: It was ME that did all the things you are accusing Normie of. I don't want Normie taking credit for my hard work in getting you banned from forums all across America. As to my methods, well one has to do what one has to do when fighting the enemy. Oh, and one more thing: Normie is NOT in California....that's ME. As for Glook, he can click on Normie's link about you, Wrench, and he can learn all about your scams and cons. ______________________________________________________________ Well, Derek, you didn't post this obviously ludicrous statement on the blog he keeps trying to get everybody to go to, did you? **************************************************** "Read anything posted by Creditwrench CEO Billie Bauer anywhere on the internet, send me an email, and I will be happy to cite the necessary authority to prove that what Creditwrench CEO Billie Bauer has posted is false and misleading." *************************************************** Anybody with any common sense at all will instantly realize that he can't possibly back up that boast. And that alone should be more than enough to warn anybody that anything on that blog is likely to be just as false and misleading and if they actually do go there they will quickly realize that fact. Half truths and outright lies made to look like there might be some truth to it. And your own statement above tells the whole story. You and your pals are debt collectors and you full well realize that anyone or anything that threatens your livelihood and your industry must be dealt with in anyway possible. My public statement(s) that debt collectors are actually America's most wanted criminals is one that is starting to get an great deal of attention here on the internet and probably lots of other places as well. While that may seem a pretty far fetched statement in itself at first glance, let's examine the logic behind it and see just how far fetched it is. 1. According to many quotes including those put out by various members of the collection industry and the press there are more than 150,000 people working in the collections industry today. Some sources now say more than 162,000 people are employed in the collections number and most sources say that number is growing every day. Most likely the truth is that nobody will ever be able to know exactly how many are employed as debt collectors at any given time. 2. Most of those so employed actually break the law(s) in one way or another each and every day. Their infractions may be great or they may be pretty minor, simple mistakes of omission that anyone might make anytime, but violations none the less. Some of those violations are extrememly serious such as failure to pay creditors for money collected from debtors. Stealing money from their employers in other words. Many of those so employed are actual criminals with prison records or long arrest records for whatever felony crimes they have committed. It makes no difference how you break the law or how serious the violation is or whether or not the violator was caught and convicted of anything, he is still a criminal if he breaks the law. Debt collection companies have no qualms about breaking our laws because the chances of getting nailed for it are slim and even if they are caught and fined the fine is of such a small amount that it amounts to no more than a slap on the wrist. Even a fine of $1.5 or so million dollars is nothing to a company like NCO or ALLIED or Sherman Acquisitions or any of the large agencies who make a lot more money than that. What is a fine of say $1.5 million to a company making more than $100 million a year? Nothing at all. The only thing that even comes close to hurting them is the adverse publicity and that not much. 3. Debt collectors usually like to hide their physical address or other contact information from debtors and the public. Why? One reason is that when the debt collector calls he don't want to wait for his money. He wants it paid by online check or credit card right then and there. If a debtor wants the contact information he has to dig it out of them and that is often not easy to do. That "hiding" causes untold hundreds of people to have to hunt them down every day who actually need and want to pay them off but can't find them to do so. I can easily prove that fact because I have many websites out there such as THIS ONE which is nothing but lists of contact information for thousands of collection agencies all across America and even some in Canada and other countries. They are compliled into lists alphabetically and by phone number and by the state that they have offices in. Those websites get hundreds of visits every day and there are a lot of other websites out there with similiar information who are also getting lots of hits. Law enforcement officials are also out there trying to hunt them down so that they can be brought to justice. I know that to be a fact because I often get calls from various law enforcement agencies from around the country wanting to know if I can help them find some collection agency or other. 4. I say that easily makes debt collectors like you America's Most Wanted Criminals and I think most people who ever had to deal with a debt collector would tend to agree with me when I make that statement. Most people are not aware of all of the stories about criminal debt collectors and the violations they commit every day. Stories put out by such reliable sources as The Boston Globe, KDKA TV, Channel 6 in Denver and many, many more all across America but I'm starting to put together a compendium of those stories which will be put on a new website featuring all the stories I can find about America's Most Wanted Criminals. So, by your own admission, we now have the truth about why you, Normie or E. Normis Debtor (or whatever fake and fictious name he chooses to use) are doing all you possibly can to discredit me and make me look like a fool. And if you can do that to me then you can also do the same to all other message boards or anybody who really presents a credible threat to your so called "industry". In your own words, you, Normie and the rest of your crowd will stop at nothing to defame, discredit, flame or do whatever it takes to put me out of business and then you will obviously move on to do the same to anyone else who tells the public what criminals you and your "industry" really are and how to deal with your abusive collection practices in an effective manner. You have tried to do the same to Bud Hibbs and are continuing to do so and you are trying to do the same thing to a few others, most of whom present no real threat to your "business." But the truth hurts and it will keep on hurting because what you don't seem to realize is that the only thing that will keep me from effectively telling the story about the industry is for you to actually come to Oklahoma City, put a gun to my head and pull the trigger and it would probably surprise nobody to learn that you have actually threatened to come to Oklahoma City and "pay me a little visit". You actually did that right on the pcmholdings forum not long ago. There have been other such statements on your forum as well, probably also by you and your other false screen names. So if I turn up dead one of these days it will surprise nobody at all. But your problem is that I'm not going to go away until the day I die. No amount of false and misleading statements about me is going to change the fact that you can't win the battle. My words will remain long after I am dead and gone too and you can't break me financially either no matter what you do. The only way to win is to clean up your industry and you don't have the power to do that either. So just keep on with your slimy tricks and bad mouthing me. Most people are getting the message no matter what you do or say. And count on the fact that I'm going to use what you have said against you so people learn what they are dealing with. I'm using your own statements against you to prove what a fraud you and your "Normie" really are. Creditwrench-thetruth
  • Bil-LIAR is hard at work again.


    CREDITWRENCH-TheTruth Tuesday, July 11, 2006 Your rights under FACTA CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer purports to be some kind of credit expert. Obviously that's false and misleading when he himself admitted he is completely unaware of consumer credit laws. Let's listen to him as he interviews a potential customer for his credit repair business. OOPS! Seems that "Creditwrench-thetruth" just got caught in another one of his enormis Bil_LIES. That is how he is defining himself as a Bil-LIAR. "Creditwrench-thetruth" teaches Bil-LYING techniques. Bil-LIAR Bil-LYING BilLIES
  • Defining a Bil-Liar


    Lawdog PUTZMEISTER Joined: March 23 2005 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 707 Posted: July 09 2006 at 6:52pm | IP Logged This kinda speaks for itself about Robert Paisola of Western Capitol Management. Back to Top Creditwrench Expert Member Joined: October 16 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 1385 Posted: July 09 2006 at 7:43pm | IP Logged Lawdog wrote: Wrenchie, I don't think anyone can top him. He is also a motivational speaker.....?!?!?!?! Don't know if anyone can top him but if he can be topped then it will be another debt collector that does it. The industry is riddled with hoodlums. __________________ Back to Top E. Normis Judas Goat Joined: October 12 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 1268 Posted: July 09 2006 at 8:06pm | IP Logged Creditwrench wrote: Don't know if anyone can top him but if he can be topped then it will be by me. I am a con-man and thief extrodinare. As anyone can plainly see, I am also a Bil-LIAR Now that's true. Edited by E. Normis on July 09 2006 at 8:06pm Bil-LIAR Robert+Paisola Paisola Judas+Goat __________________ World's #1 Blog about Creditwrench
  • Proof that Normie is a liar.


    Now we have proof positive that Normie is a liar and that he posts false and misleading information. E. Normis Expert Member Joined: October 12 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 1252 Posted: July 07 2006 at 9:26am | IP Logged Creditwrench wrote: So far this month I've had just over 830,000 page views on those few webpages that I have counters on. Chump change. I've gotten over 6 million. Go ahead, try it __________________ World's #1 Blog about Creditwrench Creditwrench Expert Member Joined: October 16 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 1360 Posted: July 07 2006 at 10:54am | IP Logged E. Normis wrote: Creditwrench wrote: So far this month I've had just over 830,000 page views on those few webpages that I have counters on. Chump change. I've gotten over 6 million. Go ahead, try it It seems you have a bit of magic of your own since what you are claiming is tha you know how many page views you have received this month without having access to any server logs or without having a counter on your blogs. I can do that and I have proven that I can do it but how do you do it? And of course, I'm sure you will say you do it the same way I do it but I know for a fact that I have that little program well secured and since I wrote the program to do it I know you don't have access to it. So please explain to us how you know that you got the number of hits you claim. E. Normis Expert Member Joined: October 12 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 1252 Posted: July 07 2006 at 10:57am | IP Logged Easy, I count them. Actually I rounded up, there were only 5,968,217 __________________ World's #1 Blog about Creditwrench
  • Defining the word Bil-Liar


    Creditwrench Expert Member Joined: October 16 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 1313 Posted: July 03 2006 at 7:35am | IP Logged Derek wrote: Provided he maintains the NUMBER ONE listing on Google for Billie Bauer and Creditwrench, people will click on the link each and every time someone Google's your name. Bet on it. He doesn't have to "force it". Then, Google's engine notes the description in the result page containing his listing, counts the number of times people click on it, but more importantly, Google monitors how long a person stays on Normie's site before they either bail from the site or hit the back button. The time a person spends on a listed site tells Google how relevant the site was to the person's search. Furthermore, since Google OWNS Blogger, the site is automatically awarded a higher ranking. Normie's choice to use a Blog rather than a webpage was probably the single most important factor he could have made to insure a high ranking. So once again, "Mr. SEO", your information is false and misleading. Now there is a perfect example of a Bil-LIE. A theory stated by a well trained Ingoramus which on the surface of it seems logical and probably true but is then twisted into a Bil-LIE. His next step is to get one or more PUTZMEISTERS to agree with him that so that he can claim that his Bil-LIE is not a Bil-LIE but rather the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The first key indicator pointing to the fact that an Ignoramus is at work yet once again is the use of certain keywords upon which he craftily builds his BiL-LIE. In this particular example the Ignoramus starts his Bil-LIE with the word "provided" which is an assumptive word. Then in true Ignorati fashion the ignoramus immediately follows his first assumptive statement with yet another which in this case is also equally baseless. Then the Ignoramus tries to nail the roof on his Bil-LIE so that it might hopefully shed the rain of fact that anyone with even a shred of cognitive ability would immediately see it for the Bil_LIE that it is. Next the skilful Ignoramus adds a statement that just about every so called and usually self-styled Ignorati "SEO expert" believed back when GOOGLE bought out PYRA Labs. And that one simpleminded belief was what really caused the avalanche of people rushing to become bloggers. They believed that, as Derek The Ignoramus claims here: DEREK the Ignoramus wrote: Furthermore, since Google OWNS Blogger, the site is automatically awarded a higher ranking. So, like the infamous Judas Goat, E. Normis, they inundated PYRA LABS now property of GOOGLE because they believed that Google would then give all their crapola greater credence than that of any static website or non Google blogs. Had GOOGLE been so dumb as to let that happen then GOOGLE would have instantly lost it's credibility with the searching public. Instead of falling into that trap it began to demand better content from webmasters and bloggers alike. But the acquisition of by Google has proven to be's catastrophic event because GOOGLE has never done anything to improve or give it's adherants one iota of extra advantage in Google page rankings. Others have moved on to further the reach and impact of blogging and bloggers and to help get higher rankings. While Google has proven to be little more than a millstone hung around the necks of all those who trusted it. Blogger is still the most popular blogging platform it is not the blog of preference for most of the really serious bloggers. They consider it to be merely another hobbyist's tool and have moved on to other platforms. Today, because of Google's refusal to further what it bought from Pyra Labs, other people and companies have moved in to fill the void that Google refuses to fill. But of course, the Ignorati and the putzmeisters haven't figured that out or how to implement the newer technologies they simply keep on singing the praises of Google. Then the Ignoramus Derek craftily builds another true statement into his Bil-LIE in a vain attempt to give it even more credibility. Derek the Ignoramus wrote: Then, Google's engine notes the description in the result page containing his listing, counts the number of times people click on it, but more importantly, Google monitors how long a person stays on Normie's site before they either bail from the site or hit the back button. The time a person spends on a listed site tells Google how relevant the site was to the person's search. But the PUTZMEISTER has no idea how much time people spend on his Bil-LIE generator. Nor does he have the foggiest idea where they came from nor to where they fled in disgust. But you certainly are an accomplished Bil-LIAR ignorati ignoramus putzmeister
  • Bil-Liars. Who are they and why they are Bil-LIARS


    Creditwrench Expert Member Joined: October 16 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 1308 Posted: July 03 2006 at 7:35am | IP Logged Derek wrote: Provided he maintains the NUMBER ONE listing on Google for Billie Bauer and Creditwrench, people will click on the link each and every time someone Google's your name. Bet on it. He doesn't have to "force it". Then, Google's engine notes the description in the result page containing his listing, counts the number of times people click on it, but more importantly, Google monitors how long a person stays on Normie's site before they either bail from the site or hit the back button. The time a person spends on a listed site tells Google how relevant the site was to the person's search. Furthermore, since Google OWNS Blogger, the site is automatically awarded a higher ranking. Normie's choice to use a Blog rather than a webpage was probably the single most important factor he could have made to insure a high ranking. So once again, "Mr. SEO", your information is false and misleading. Now there is a perfect example of a Bil-LIE. A theory stated by a well trained Ingoramus which on the surface of it seems logical and probably true but is then twisted into a Bil-LIE. His next step is to get one or more PUTZMEISTERS to agree with him that so that he can claim that his Bil-LIE is not a Bil-LIE but rather the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The first key indicator pointing to the fact that an Ignoramus is at work yet once again is the use of certain keywords upon which he craftily builds his BiL-LIE. In this particular example the Ignoramus starts his Bil-LIE with the word "provided" which is an assumptive word. Then in true Ignorati fashion the ignoramus immediately follows his first assumptive statement with yet another which in this case is also equally baseless. Then the Ignoramus tries to nail the roof on his Bil-LIE so that it might hopefully shed the rain of fact that anyone with even a shred of cognitive ability would immediately see it for the Bil_LIE that it is. Next the skilful Ignoramus adds a statement that just about every so called and usually self-styled Ignorati "SEO expert" believed back when GOOGLE bought out PYRA Labs. And that one simpleminded belief was what really caused the avalanche of people rushing to become bloggers. They believed that, as Derek The Ignoramus claims here: DEREK the Ignoramus wrote: Furthermore, since Google OWNS Blogger, the site is automatically awarded a higher ranking. So, like the infamous Judas Goat, E. Normis, they inundated PYRA LABS now property of GOOGLE because they believed that Google would then give all their crapola greater credence than that of any static website or non Google blogs. Had GOOGLE been so dumb as to let that happen then GOOGLE would have instantly lost it's credibility with the searching public. Instead of falling into that trap it began to demand better content from webmasters and bloggers alike. But the acquisition of by Google has proven to be's catastrophic event because GOOGLE has never done anything to improve or give it's adherants one iota of extra advantage in Google page rankings. Others have moved on to further the reach and impact of blogging and bloggers and to help get higher rankings. While Google has proven to be little more than a millstone hung around the necks of all those who trusted it. Blogger is still the most popular blogging platform it is not the blog of preference for most of the really serious bloggers. They consider it to be merely another hobbyist's tool and have moved on to other platforms. Today, because of Google's refusal to further what it bought from Pyra Labs, other people and companies have moved in to fill the void that Google refuses to fill. But of course, the Ignorati and the putzmeisters haven't figured that out or how to implement the newer technologies they simply keep on singing the praises of Google. Then the Ignoramus Derek craftily builds another true statement into his Bil-LIE in a vain attempt to give it even more credibility. Derek the Ignoramus wrote: Then, Google's engine notes the description in the result page containing his listing, counts the number of times people click on it, but more importantly, Google monitors how long a person stays on Normie's site before they either bail from the site or hit the back button. The time a person spends on a listed site tells Google how relevant the site was to the person's search. But the PUTZMEISTER has no idea how much time people spend on his Bil-LIE generator. Nor does he have the foggiest idea where they came from nor to where they fled in disgust. Nice try, Ignormus but it simply won't fly. __________________
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