12,000 estranged fathers take their lives last year. One every 45 minutes in the USA. One male will commit suicide every 22 minutes in the USA. Expect the number to be even higher each year. Sign the petitions. Send the petitions on to others. BECOME ACTIVE.
Despite being unable to work due to health problems, John Linville is threatened with being jailed in December ( - some Christmas present ) for being unable to pay child support for children he is refused access to by his ex..
Please sign the petitions for him via the link below.
John has been driven to the brink of suicide by the monstrous and inhuman child support system of America. Fathers from all over the world are fighting on his behalf.
Two petitions relating to John Linville's case have been hosted at petitononline. Please sign them and distribute widely!! Goal is 1000 signatures at least for each petition, closing dates for both is December 4th. The signatures will be downloaded and faxed in time to the Court and the District Office.
The Division of child support enforcement Petition to Virginia Lynchburg District Office Division of child support enforcement was created at:
Petition on line
The Bedford Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Petition to Bedford Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court was created at:
Court petition
Sign and distribute the petition for RESTORATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
another petition on line
Member of FORCE in Louisiana, Founder of Hunger Strike for Justice in USA
Yahoo HSFJ group
Sign and distribute the petition for RESTORATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
Rites ABC
Compiled by NanaC
Clarifications: Listings based on earliest receipt of credit.
Occasionally, something may appear to be listed twice. This results
from the credit being somehow different, for example, secured and
unsecured, credit limits, etc.
STARTER BK CARDS: score bad.
1. Household - unsecured 300 - 5 mos., score about 560 (
www.householdbank.com/hb/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage )
2. FCNB - unsecured - $1000 (
www.fcnb.com )
3. Cap1 - Secured and Unsecured (
www.capitalone.com )
4. Orchard - Secured (
www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage )
5. American Online Secured Visa (
www.apbank.com/021_scc.html )
6 MOS - 1 YEAR REBUILDING CREDIT: score low 600s
1. Cap1 - unsecured gold 500 (
www.capitalone.com )
2. Orchard - unsecured $500 (
www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage )
3. Target Guest Card- unsecured 200 (
4. First Premier - $200 (
www.credit-cards-s.com/premier.asp )
1-2 YEARS REBUILDING: score mid 600s
1. AT&T Wireless - No deposit (
http://www.attws.com )
2. Cap1 Platinum - unsecured 5000. Yes, platinum. started w/regular card and negotiated credit line to platinum. (Wow!) (
www.capitalone.com )
3. Cross Country Bank Visa - unsecured - $300, then $600, then $1250 over time. * (
www.crosscountrybank.com )
4. Cross Country Bank MC - unsecured - $350 * (
www.crosscountrybank.com )
5. Dillards - unsecured - $500 (
www.dillards.com/cca/CreditCardApplication.jsp )
6. Circuit City – unsecured -$2000 (
http://www.circuitcity.com )
7. Western Security Bank - secured (
www.westernsecuritybank.com )
8. 1/00 Direct Merchants Bank $1001 (Semi-secured) (
www.directmerchantsbank.com )
9. Sprint PCS - $200 Assigned Spending Limit (
www.sprint.com )
10. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer (
www.spiegals.com/home.asp )
2+ Years Rebuilding: score low to mid 600's:
1. Aspire - unsecured - $500 (
www.compucredit.com/pdcts.html )
2. Voicestream - No deposit (
www.voicestream.com )
3. Bank One Checking Account with Debit Card after 5 months usage (
www.bankone.com )
4. Mortgage Received (No specific name as more than one loan was found by those reporting receipt of mortgage loan.)
5. Nordstrom - suggest not applying on-line (
www.nordstrom.nordstrom.com )
6. First N.A. Nat. Bank - 3 years (
7. Citibank MC- will consider post-7 years (
www.citibank.com )
8. Nextel - must be 7 years post BK, no dep. (
www.nextel.com )
9. Exxon - 4 years (
www.exxon.com )
10. Home Depot - 4 years (
www.homedepot.com ) **
11. Bloomingdales - 3 years (
www.bloomingdales.com )
12. Verizon - no deposit (
www.verizonwireless.com )
13. Washington Mutual Visa secured card issued by Citibank N.A. South Dakota (
www.washingtonmutual.com )
14. Mervyn's ** (
www.mervyns.com )
15. Generations (6 year mark!) - $1000 (
www.genscu.com )
16. Target Visa - mid 600's required (
www.target.com )
17. Lowes - 3+ years (
www.lowes.com )
18. Washington Mutual Mortgage - 3+ years (
www.wamuhomeloans.com )
19. Nordstrom - 5+ years (
www. Nordstrom.com)
20. Wescom Credit Union - 5+ years (
www.wescom.org )
21. First Nationwide Mortgage - 5 years (
www.firstnationwide.com )
22. Dell - $1500 - 5+ years (
www.dell.com )
23. Nissan Lease - 6+ years (Please provide link if known.)
24. Phillips 66 - 7.5 years (
www.phillips66.com )
25. Ford Credit - 5 years (
www.fordcredit.com )
26. Diamond Shamrock - 6.5 yrs (
www.valero.com )
27. Menard's Big Card (Conseco) - $3000 - 5+ years (
www.menards.com )
28. Capital One Auto Finance -14 % interest, score approximately 650 - (
www.capitalone.com/capitaloneplace/...id=2000bann0202 )
29. JCB Card - CE642
Special Considerations:
1. Bank of America - will consider post-BK if you have established
credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical,
2. Citibank MC- will consider post-BK after 7 years
3. Citibank Diners Club - will consider post-BK if you have established
credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical,
4. Federated (Pres. Club Visa)- 3 years post BK was able to override with explanation and good (>680) score
5. Federated (Macy's) Store Card - 2 years post-BK was able to override with explanation.
Rejections (BK Unfriendly):
1. Lowe's (MB)
2. Home Depot (MB) **
3. Walmart
4. Mervyns **
5. Exxon/Mobile **
6. Amex Green
7. Best Buy (Household)-Recently confirmed letter due to bankruptcy Ch 13 6.5
8. Citgo
9. Amex Optima Secured
10. Home Depot
11. CitiBank
12. Associates: Citgo (try manual 24 ms+, 3 good lines)
13. First USA (try manual 5+ years discharge)
14. Bank of America
15. Sears
16. Fleet
17. First USA
18. Mens Wearhouse
19. Monogram Bank = MB **
20. Amex LOC
21. Juniper
22. Chase Manhattan
23. Target Visa
24. Corvette Mastercard
25. Target with recent BK discharge within 4 months**
Smart Suggestions:
1) Try Credit Unions
2) Ford is BK friendly
** Seen on approved and not approved both.
This list is constantly updated. Please provide new information as you
receive it. Also, links are not endorsements, but rather included as a
convenience to the reader.
Updated on 6/10/03