Monday, February 14, 2005
  Creditwrench catches Uncle Normie stealing again.

CREDITWRENCH catches a thief redhanded.

Old #1 Just got hit with the Cinderella syndrome. LOL

Our great advisor goes out and gets himself this fancy free webpage counter and starts it off at 2355 and rushes off to paste it up at the very top of his NUMERO UNO blog. Then he starts hammering away on the refresh button so it looks like he is getting lots and lots of traffic. Really makes that ole hit counter spin. He pumps it up by almost 400 hits yesterday alone.

And of course he didn't want to admit it was a free counter so he took the part off that told everybody that it was a free counter and that by clicking on the link anybody else could get a free counter too and put it on their website.

Never mind the fact that they told him in big red letters that if he didn't leave that link on there they would turn it into advertising for him. Of course, he figures he can get away with disobediance to his terms of service because he don't think they will ever come see his blog anyway. That's just the way he is. If he can break the law or the terms of service he agreed to or steal somebody else's name or do any shady thing that is to his advantage he will do it.

What he didn't know is that people or companies who tell you that you must leave their link on your website if you use their freebie have a bot that goes out and checks your site every few hours or days and if you have disobeyed your terms of service agreement they will do whatever they said they would do in the agreement. In this case, the bot has the capability to start running ads on your site instead of your beloved page counter. Sure enough, I get up this morning and the bot visited his NUMERO UNO and turned old Uncle Normie's beautiful carriage into a pumpkin. All his work pumping the counter (the white horses pulling the carriage) turned into rats. Just like Cinderella.

Uncle Normie just loves to attack others over whatever trivial matter he can dream up, claim to know it all and boast to everybody how he is the greatest, that his word is the authority and must be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and how I am always the dumb one out trying to scam everybody.

Actions always speak lounder than words, and Uncle Normie's own actions prove that he is a liar, a cheat and a thief, a person who will ignore the terms of use that he agrees to and do whatever he wants thinking he can steal the other man's work with impunity.

Now he paid the price for being a thief and a scoundrel and here is what all his hard work turned into.

That's what his beautiful new page counter turned into all because he tried to get away with a cheap shot to impress people and give them false and misleading information.

Today, his NUMERO UNO says

CREDITWRENCH and the 3 bank trick

Since it's apparent that CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer knows little about the FDCPA and the FCRA, next I'll expose the kind of bad financial advice he provides while trying to improve credit scores.

Who will want to believe a proven thief whose own bad advice nearly killed his 86 year old mother not even 2 months ago???
Creditwrench additions

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